Writing a novel (6) – Building a love tree (developing relationships in a novel series)

I’ve always been drawn to reading novel series, especially mystery and crime series. Each novel has a murder, problem or puzzle that the main character works through, often at the same time as dealing with personal concerns. The main character usually, but not always, develops and changes over time as a result of their workContinue reading “Writing a novel (6) – Building a love tree (developing relationships in a novel series)”

Writing a novel (5) – First Words

I’ve read lots of advice about writing the first paragraphs of a novel. Orient the reader – show them where and when the story is set. Establish the tone and style of the novel so the reader knows roughly what to expect, i.e. this novel is going to be humorous, historical, mysterious, political, psychological, aContinue reading “Writing a novel (5) – First Words”

Writing a novel (3) – Getting above my station and going for it

I can name my characters and give them backstories, goals and obstacles. I can plan my novel in detail, think about themes, how to build tension and raise stakes, devise plot twists and a satisfying ending. I can write a novel. I know I can because I’ve done it before. My biggest stumbling block whenContinue reading “Writing a novel (3) – Getting above my station and going for it”

Writing a novel (1) – Where do I start?

Where do I start? Sometimes, it’s a character. Or it could be a particular place. Or a situation to deal with or get out of. It starts with something, an image, a headline, an article, a job ad, something that sparks a thought. And then slowly, sometimes very slowly, I add to that thought untilContinue reading “Writing a novel (1) – Where do I start?”